96: Trauma-informed leadership with coach, author, and Dare to Lead facilitator Carolyn Swora

Carolyn Swora is a self-professed “recovering over-worker and people pleaser.” I’m sure that sounds familiar! On today’s episode, learn how she not only overcame those burdens but also blossomed into a “Human Spirit Ignitor” with a passion for developing trauma-informed leaders. First, Carolyn helps us define trauma: it’s not just something extreme; it’s any emotional…

95: Masculine Vulnerability and the “When Then” Trap with former CEO of iPEC, Luke Iorio

It was a real treat to have Luke Iorio on the show to discuss an important topic we’ve never specifically covered before: Masculine Vulnerability. He is the former President and CEO of the Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching (iPEC), one of the most renowned coaching certification programs in the world. WAIT, LADIES – this…

94: Don’t just talk about psychological safety! Learn how to DO it with Dr. Karolin Helbig and Minette Norman

As many of you know, psychological safety is a topic I constantly pound the table on. Join us to learn practical implementation tips from experts Minette Norman and Karolin Helbig. In their new book, The Psychological Safety Playbook: Lead More Powerfully by Being More Human, the duo became the first authors to provide actionable skills with real-life examples for implementing psychological safety in the workplace. Their work builds on that of renowned…

93: Shifting a ‘Kevin Culture’ to a Work Positive Culture with Dr. Joey Faucette

Today, I had a beyond FUN chat with Dr. Joey Faucette, an executive coach, author, podcaster, and architect of the Work Positive Framework. Dr. Joey bets that you have a “Kevin” at work. His name may be different, but all companies have one (likely more!). It’s all about him. Every. Single. Day. Kevin is negative…

Words matter! 11 phrases to eliminate from your vocabulary if you want to feel and sound more confident

Confidence is contagious, right?  A smile. An encouraging word. A positive outlook on a problem. Whether you recognize them or not, such details are part of what makes us successful leaders.  But we are our own worst critics. That little voice in our heads weighs heavily on everything we do and say, regardless of what…

92: Profit with Presence: The 12 Pillars of Mindful Leadership with Dr. Eric Holsapple

As early as his 20s, Dr. Eric Holsapple had all the outward trappings of success: a high-paying job, nice car, and other costly material items. Yet he wasn’t happy. Can you relate to this? If so, tune in for a special sneak peek inside Eric’s book, Profit with Presence: The Twelve Pillars of Mindful Leadership, due to be…

91: Never be without a spare pair for life’s emergencies with #femtech startup, Panic Panties, co-founders Alex, Maria, and Katherine Anne

I had such a blast on today’s episode speaking with the three badass (pun intended!) cofounders of #femtech startup, Panic Panties. Alex Bernstein, Maria Marino, and Katherine Anne Coury, who went to Syracuse University together, hatched the idea over dinner one night in NYC. Panic Panties is doing for underwear what L’eggs did for pantyhose…making…

Establishing Psychological Safety In The Workplace Is A Must

While the concept of psychological safety in the workplace may sound like a gimmick, it’s worth unfolding. Why? Because it’s a powerful concept that can potentially transform your workplace. As a leadership coach, I tell all my clients that establishing workplace psychological safety is necessary. And if the Surgeon General mentions it as part of his…