The Leadership Circle Profile (“LCP”)


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The Punchline: An organization can NOT perform at a higher level than the collective effectiveness of its leaders. A leader’s “iOS” (internal operating system) silently yet potently drives leadership behavior and influences how leaders impact the behavior of others, org culture, and ultimately org performance.


Leadership “MRI” – The Leadership Circle Profile (“LCP”)


“We don’t know who discovered water, but we’re pretty sure it wasn’t a fish.”
– Marshall McLuhan


LCP is a 3-in-1 assessment – the only 360 that gets to leaders’ iOS.

LCP is a best-in-class 360 that…

  • Measures what leaders are doing or not doing (competencies) and why they’re doing it (behaviors and beliefs).
  • Shows gaps between how leaders perceive themselves versus how others experience them. It consists of a self-assessment and a confidential 360 filled out by direct reports, peers, and managers (and board members, if relevant).
  • Norms leaders versus hundreds of thousands of other leaders who have completed the LCP worldwide.
  • Identifies key behaviors that leaders can focus on to improve their leadership effectiveness and, thus, team performance.
  • Is available in 20 languages.


We are part of a select group of certified Leadership Circle Profile and Culture Survey practitioners. There are several ways we can support you and/or your team with LCP.

  • We administer LCP to an individual, followed by a 90-minute 1-1 debrief/coaching session.
  • We administer LCPs to all members of your team, followed by one 90-minute debrief/coaching session for each person and at least one team coaching session.
  • Conduct a Leadership Culture Survey (LCS) that:
    1. Measures collective leadership effectiveness on 31 dimensions of culture in a confidential survey
    2. Shows gap between actual and aspirational leadership culture, indicating where the most energy is for change

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What they’re saying about LCP:

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