8: Unexpected Shifts with Daniel Alonzo

Today’s guest, Daniel Alonzo, has grown an extremely robust financial services business, is a coach, and soon to be author, but that isn’t how he started out. His whole life led down the path to be an athlete until his injury when he had to shift everything. In this episode, he walks us through his…

7: Shifting from Small Town to Big City Entrepreneur with Jae Wu

Today’s guest, Jae Wu, is an incredible example of a heart-centered and mission-driven LeaderShifter and I am so excited to share her story with you all! Her impactful and intentional shifts range from picking up from Maryland and moving cross country to California at age 20 to buying and revitalizing an old real estate brand known as Heyler…

6: 5 Big Kulture Killers

Despite knowing how important culture is, we continue to see leaders with company cultures ranging from mediocre to toxic. In this episode, I share my top 5 most common “Kulture Killers” that may be hurting your business and what you need to do differently to avoid these. I go into the details of Nike’s culture…

5: Shifting the Paradigm About Feedback

Feedback is just as important as time and money in generating results for your business, and today we’re going to talk about why. Not giving feedback – both positive and constructive – is a missed opportunity to stimulate continuous improvement and generate better results. In this episode, I give you the tools you need to…

4: Shifting Mindsets with Leslie Lewin

I’m very happy to bring you today’s show with Leslie Lewin, the Executive Director of Seeds of Peace, an incredible non-profit that cultivates young leaders in communities divided by conflict in various parts of the world. She and her team are in the business of shifting mindsets, and in this episode, she shares exactly how…

3: Learn How to Learn

Today we will learn from a true LeaderSHIFTER, Dr. David Karli, and hear how his experiences as a sports medicine specialist, biotech company founder, entrepreneur, and relentless learner have made him more successful, both professionally and personally. This episode will give you the tips to help you shift your mindset to become more successful starting…

2: Get Out of the Passenger Seat of Life!

I have been thinking about how to coordinate corporate strategy and cultural strategy, starting with YOU – what kind of strategy do you pursue in your career and what kind of culture do you create in your everyday world? In this episode, I will show you how to develop the right strategy and culture to…

1: Welcome To The LeaderShift Show

I want to help you get your shift together! This podcast is where business strategy and culture finally meet and explore the changes necessary for your own success, the success of your team, and your organization. On today’s episode, I will give you a brief introduction to my experience and what led me to start…