Manage and ultimately overcome perfectionism
& invite more ease, simplicity, and joy into your life
We have concluded this experience, but if you are still interested, just let me know!
No doubt, maintaining very high standards can be a superpower, but when you push the accelerator TOO far, your superpower can suddenly switch sides and become your self-induced kryptonite. The constant desire to be perfect makes it difficult for you to live your life to the fullest and undermines your success in all areas.
Do you…
Want to leave a meaningful, “do well and do good” legacy but feel held back by the super high standards you set for yourself? And your belief that “everything I do has to be GREAT” often stops you from doing it at all.
Feel burnt-out from the pressure you put on yourself to always say “yes” and long for more self-compassion and graceful ways to set boundaries?
Yearn to feel calmer and more fully present in your daily life and when engaging with family and friends instead of distracted by frequent anxiety, frustration, stress, and/or insomnia?
Wish to boost your “emotional/psychological immune system” so you don’t revert to harmful old patterns after #covid-19 passes, i.e., remain grounded, creative, and purposeful over the long haul?
Crave connection with a “pit crew” that gets you and on whom you can depend to accelerate growth, new habit formation, and resilience?
Everyone deserves to experience life without the constant pressure to be perfect and feel more PRESENT, PATIENT, and POISED instead!
“Perfectionist Detox” is the inaugural course in HELL YEAH ACADEMY: For people who want more focus, flow, and fun, a powerful virtual curriculum with sought-after executive coach Shani Magosky. #recoveringperfectionistherself
The deets:
WHAT: This is NOT just another life-sucking webinar series! It features:
An 8-week, cohort-based experience to tame your perfectionist. Sessions will be highly interactive, provocative, relatable, and applicable #IRL.
One 60-minute 1:1 coaching session with Shani that can be used on a floating basis or as a completion session at the end of the program. (NOTE: Outside of this program, one hour of 1:1 coaching ranges from $400-800/hour. This is a GREAT deal.)
WHEN: Wednesdays
11am PST / 2pm EST / 7pm UTC (@OGperfectionistsinAsia, we will do a separate series for you; we don’t expect you to join us at +/- 2am your time!)
All sessions are 75 minutes
WHERE: Shani’s Zoom Room, where the vibe is a cross between that of the most engaging/effective teacher or coach you’ve ever had and the most unexpectedly fun activity you’ve ever spontaneously joined
WHY: Because you say, “HELL YEAH!” to trading your perfectionism for relaxed focus, vastly improved self-authority, and healthier relationships!!
WHAT does cohort-based mean?
You’ll be joined every week by the same group of like-minded peers with whom you will feel safe, challenged, and supported. Shani will facilitate interactive exercises, spirited/authentic/courageous conversations, and other group processes that improve accountability and make learning stickier.
Cohort members typically connect in deep and meaningful ways, and many relationships last well beyond the program. You’ll witness each other evolving in real time.
You can opt into a private members-only Facebook group and/or What’s App chats to share wins and challenges with each other along the way, ask questions, and seek support from Shani in between sessions.
Space is limited. Once the first cohort fills, we will start a waiting list for future cohorts.
Cost of Perfectionism Detox? $499
Value of dialing down your perfectionism to healthier levels? PRICELESS
Perfectionism Deep Dive – the What, the Why, and the Alternatives
Strategies for managing perfectionism – 2 Parts
Strategies for overcoming perfectionism
Failing forward
Tools to manage perfectionism in your relationships
Happiness and well-being
Perfectly imperfect action planning and wrap-up
AND, don’t forget, your 1:1 coaching with Shani is also included
Even if this program isn’t relevant for you, do you have a sibling, child, friend, or colleague who struggles with perfectionism and could benefit from this transformative program? If so, please forward the information!
Wednesday, February 3 at 11:00 AM PST / 2:00 PM EST / 7PM UTC |
Wednesday, February 10 at 11:00 AM PST / 2:00 PM EST / 7PM UTC |
Wednesday, February 17 at 11:00 AM PST / 2:00 PM EST / 7PM UTC |
Wednesday, February 24 at 11:00 AM PST / 2:00 PM EST / 7PM UTC |
Wednesday, March 3 at 11:00 AM PST / 2:00 PM EST / 7PM UTC |
Wednesday, March 10 at 11:00 AM PST / 2:00 PM EST / 7PM UTC |
Wednesday, March 17 at 11:00 AM PST / 2:00 PM EST / 7PM UTC |
Wednesday, March 24 at 11:00 AM PST / 2:00 PM EST / 7PM UTC |
Learn to appease your inner perfectionist and invite more flow and fun with:
Perfectionism Detox:
Rewire Mental Habits To Be More PRESENT, PATIENT, AND POISED
with sought-after executive coach Shani Magosky
Using a fresh, fun framework, Shani will show you how to lower your unrealistic standards without compromising the quality of your work and your personal life.
A mental detox is the best cleanse of all. The mental baggage you hoard within your mind can do more damage to your body than any junk food you’ve eaten. Perfectionists carry heavy baggage on a daily basis.
Rewiring your unhealthy mental habits – starting with removing detrimental thoughts – creates a healthier mind and a healthier life.