Jon Rennie is seriously one of the coolest guests I’ve interviewed…if you agree with me that a former U.S. Navy Cold War nuclear submarine officer who had seven deployments is a total badass! So, what does it mean to “earn your oxygen”? Well, on a nuclear sub a newbie is jokingly referred to as a NUB = a Non-Useful Body. Not in a derogatory sense, but think about it…until new crew members master the complex inner workings of a nuclear sub and its weapons, you don’t want them touching anything! They become valuable by rounding with what’s called a Qual Card, a process in which they rotate around the various positions to learn, and then experienced crew members sign off to verify each competency. What a great concept to apply in the workplace 😊. We also discuss the concepts of shared vulnerability, no escape mindset, Fridays on the floor, and controlled failure. Jon is the author of three books: I Have the Watch: Becoming a Leader Worth FollowingYou Have the Watch: A Guided Journal to Become a Leader Worth Following, and All in the Same Boat: Lead Your Organization Like a Nuclear Submariner. I’m fascinated by You Have the Watch because it provides daily leadership skills, guidance, and reflection for an entire year. In addition, he hosts the Deep Leadership Podcast #punintended! If you want leadership advice from a different lens than you’ve experienced before, tune into this episode!

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